The leyend by luis botero The leyend tells that in the 80's here in barranquilla there was a woman. This woman got out of fuel in the middle of a highway and he was looking for a lift and a man stopped to help her. The man after a while in the car abussed her and later killed her. The people say that nowadays she appears at the middle of the highway asking for a lift, she seduces you and gives to you the adress of her house. When you go and visit her house, the mother opens the door and you ask for the woman, later you findout that she already died at 1986 and all that time you were passing the time with a ghost..
Mostrando entradas de septiembre, 2017
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The myth by luis botero At the beginning there was the world but an unpeopled world. There was an other dimension and in this dimension lived the great wise man (god) and all his sons. Athtanius was one of his sons and he was very curious, god noticed this and he knew by the very moment that this was going to be a problem. Athanius and his brothers were banned of been trespassing the GREAT DOOR. Athanius did not care that rule so he trespassed it. At the other side he realized that he was in the world's dimension and he was alone in here and the door has no turning back. This world has plants but no animals, so he started feeding of this trees. The world was shinning all day and he was unable to sleep, with his mystical powers he created the moon and the continous rotation of the sun so he could sleep. He got tired of eating fruits, he wanted meat so he created some animals. At the moment he realized that one animal could eat the other so he created another powerful animal to...
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The world on the turtle's back VS genesis compare: -in both stories there is a "heaven" -at the conclusion, in both stories there is a balanced world. -there ir "nothing" in the world at the beginning of both stories. -there is negligence in a women in both stories and that is why they fell in sin. -there are powerful "gods" in both stories that created things and animals in the unpeopled world. contrast: story 1. the world on the turtle´s back story 2. genesis - in story 1 there are two gods, but in genesis there is only one. -in story 1 the world already existed, in story 2 god created the world from nothing. -in story 1 the grandmother´s head was the moon, while in genesis there is a moon because god decided it. -in story 1 there is already animals (the turtle, the birds, fishes, etc..), while in genesis god created all animals and plants. -in story 1 there were a "sky city" full of people, while in ge...